Face liveness detection

Sarthak Goel
2 min readAug 21, 2020


It is a test to determine whether the photo of the face (selfie) that has been given, is of an actual person sitting behind the camera and not a photo of photo (a cutout, photo from screen).

Active Liveness :
You might be asked to perform a certain action & a video stream will be evaluated.

Example : turning your head

Passive Liveness (Pose):
In this case you might be asked to imitate a pose and then click a selfie. Most commonly seen on dating websites.


Passive Liveness (Pose less) :
In this case, there is no action or imitation of pose. Selfie is to be clicked as a person normally would.

Liveness detection from an ordinary selfie

All of the above tests require machine learning to authenticate (if humans are not involved in verification of the image)

The most seamless of all is the passive liveness with a normal selfie.

We at inVOID are implementing this across various industries to enforce a layer of trust where there is no face to face meeting.

Email us at hello@invoid.co visit us at invoid.co



Sarthak Goel
Sarthak Goel

Written by Sarthak Goel

Co-Founder @inVOID_AI / KYC using AI / Video KYC / Digital Onboarding FTW!

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